Sausage Rolls with a Thai Twist
At first glance these eye-catching chile peppers look like red jalapeno. However, they have a different flavor and are less meaty than Jalapeno. Red Fresnos are great roasted and added to salsas. Try grilling them alongside your steaks or in kabobs.
When roasting these they should char, blister, and become soft. Try substituting these in your favorite chile recipes.
1 lb sausage meat or sausages (plain)
One ready rolled sheet of puff pastry
4/5 spring onions – finely chopped, white parts only
One red chile, finely chopped
Two garlic cloves, finely chopped
Handful of fresh coriander, shredded
One tbsp fish sauce
One egg
Pinch of sugar
Sesame seeds
Prepare the oven by preheating it to 180C. Meanwhile, pop all the sausages out of their skins and into a bowl. Next, gently fry the chopped spring onions, garlic and chilli in a pan until softened. Use your bare hands to mix them in with the sausage meat, shredded coriander and a splosh of fish sauce.
Cut the pastry in two, lengthways. Divide the sausage mix into two and make two long trains down the centre of each length of pastry. Whisk an egg for glazing – I added a pinch of sugar because I wanted to create a slightly sweet, brioche-style glaze in a nod to the many Hong Kong style savoury pastries I’ve had in my time. It will also complement the spicy sausage mix very will. Brush this egg down one long edge of the pastry, then fold it over and make sure that it’s tightly wrapped around the filling.
Now brush the egg over the top of the pastry, sprinkle with sesame seeds and cut into bite size pieces. Voila! Now for the thankfully short wait! Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes. I finished the rolls off under the grill for a browner pastry, and just missed out on burning some of them.