Spicy Lemongrass Chicken Stock and Winter Veggies

The ancho chili is the dried version of the Poblano pepper. Ancho chiles have a deep red color and a wrinkled skin. Anchos are sweet and smoky with a flavor slightly reminiscent of raisins. Their heat is mild to medium-hot.

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Serves: 4

Makes about 1L/34 oz. of stock

For the stock
1 small whole chicken (between 2.5 and 3 pounds in weight)
1 large onion, cut in quarters
1 head of garlic, top sliced to expose cloves
4 celery stalks, roughly chopped
3 large carrots, roughly chopped
1 ancho chile
2 jalapeƱo chiles, cut in half
1 small piece ginger (about 1 inch long), chopped
1 lemongrass stalk, trimmed, cut in half
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
1.5L water

For the winter veggies:
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 handful chard
1 cup broccolini, chopped
1 handful kale
1 sprig fresh thyme
Salt and pepper to taste

Place all the stock ingredients in a large stock pot with a lid over low heat. Simmer on low heat for 2 hours (3 is better). Skim the stock every now and then using a ladle. Remove from heat and let it cool in the pot.

Carefully remove the chicken and veggies out of the stock. Shred the chicken and set aside (NOTE: you can eat the cooked veggies too, just toss out the lemongrass stalk).

Place a skillet in the stove over high heat, add the olive oil, then add the chard, broccolini, kale, and thyme and toss a few times to wilt them, about 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from the stove.

To serve: Heat up about 1 cup of the stock and add some of the shredded chicken. Place in a bowl, add the wilted winter veggies and squeeze some lemon on top of everything. Serve pipping hot with some crusty bread and a glass of wine.

From lacreama.com