Hot Chile Pepper Tofu

This Caribbean pepper is famous for being the hottest chile pepper in the world. They come in a variety of shapes and colors(yellow, orange,green, red,chocolate). Not only are they extremely hot, but they also have a unique,distinctively fruity flavor.

It is the key ingredient in the popular Jamaican Jerk sauce. The habanero is also widely used in many different types of hot sauces. The popularity of this chile pepper continues to grow and is becoming easier to find on the grocery shelf.

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1 pack of firm tofu, cubed
1 tbsp corn flour
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 inch ginger, chopped
1 fiery chile, chopped
1 1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp corn syrup
1 tsp sesame oil
60ml (2.3 oz) water
pinch of chilli powder
pinch of toasted sesame seeds
some finely chopped spring onion
some vegetable oil
salt and pepper


First of all, pat dry tofu before you cube them to remove excess water and coat them lightly with corn flour. Add pinch of salt and generous helpings of freshly cracked black and white pepper.

Heat some oil into the non stick frying pan over medium to high heat, and gently shallow fry them until golden. This should take around 5mins. Remove cooked tofu cubes and set aside.

Use the same pan, heat some oil and gently fry the chopped onion, garlic, ginger and chilli until onions are softened. I tend to add half the amount of chillies at the beginning to introduce some chilli flavour into the oil and add the other half at the end of the cooking process to keep the freshness.

Once onions are softened, add tofu, soy, sugar and chilli powder along with water. Bring them up to boil and simmer on low heat until tofu has soaked up all the juices. This simmering process allows tofu to take on the flavours of the sauce.

Stir in the corn syrup which will give lovely sheen to the dish and drizzle sesame oil and seeds for the gorgeous nutty flavor.

Sprinkle finely chopped spring onions and dig in.
