Habanero Hot Mac ‘n Cheese (Vegan)

Jalapeños are the most popular chile peppers in the US. This is probably due to the availability and versatility of the chile. Jalapeños have a balanced combination of flavor and heat. The demand for these have caused breeders to develop a broad range of varieties.

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Yields 4 Cups


2 1/2 cups cashews
2 1/2 cups water
1 onion
2 habanero peppers
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
1/4 cup umeboshi plum vinegar
2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 lb preferred macaroni noodles



Chop the onion, habaneros (discard the ribs and seeds) and garlic and sauté in a pan until soft. er.

Place the cashews and water into the blender. Add the cooked onion mixture, nooch, vinegar and tomato paste and let it rip until it is super smooth.

Boil the macaroni. Mix in the sauce. Pour into a baking dish and sprinkle with paprika. Cook for 20 minutes and then turn on the broiler for 5 minutes to get a crispy top. Enjoy!


Recipe from Lisa’s Project: Vegan, 2014