Habanero Chile Paste

This Caribbean pepper is famous for being the hottest chile pepper in the world. They come in a variety of shapes and colors (yellow, orange, green, red, chocolate). Not only are they extremely hot, but they also have a unique, distinctively fruity flavor. It is the key ingredient in the popular Jamaican Jerk sauce. The habanero is also widely used in many different types of hot sauces. The popularity of this chile pepper continues to grow and is becoming easier to find on the grocery shelf.

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¼ cup Olive oil
½ cup fresh Basil (parsley is good too)
½ cup fresh cilantro
4 cloves garlic, peeled
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin
20 habanero peppers, stems removed
Water as needed

Cooking Directions

Combine all ingredients in processor and blend until very finely processed. Or, use a molcajete and grind everything up into a paste.
Add in more oil or a bit of water if you’d like a more consistent paste.
Transfer to an air tight container and refrigerate.
Should last about a week or so. Or, you can freeze it and thaw as needed for use.

From chilipeppermadness.com